Betreff der email: Your order #......
Scheinbarer Absender:amazon
Inhalt der schädlichen email (in Textform):
Inhalt der schädlichen email:
Thank you for your order. We’ll let you know once your item(s) have dispatched.You can check the status of your order or make changes to it by visiting Your Orders on
Order Details
Order #627-7262316-7809204 Placed on March 26, 2014
Order details and invoice in attached file.
Need to make changes to your order? Visit our Help page for more information and video guides.
We hope to see you again soon.
Ergänzende Anmerkungen:Hi,
Thank you for your order. We’ll let you know once your item(s) have dispatched.You can check the status of your order or make changes to it by visiting Your Orders on
Order Details
Order #627-7262316-7809204 Placed on March 26, 2014
Order details and invoice in attached file.
Need to make changes to your order? Visit our Help page for more information and video guides.
We hope to see you again soon.
Die Links sind o.k. und führen zur Startseite der englischen amazon, aber die angehängte ZIP-Datei enthält Viren
Die email ist besonders verführerisch, wenn man in letzter Zeit tatsächlich etwas bei amazon bestellt hat.